3. About SD Upgrade & Boot



SD Disk Tool

3.1 Format SD Card

The SD card must be formatted to FAT32, and make sure that the SD card has only one partition, otherwise it may cause the board fail to boot.

❶ if the SD card has multiple partitions, please clear all partitions and create a new partition in CMD.


Select the SD card to be formatted with caution, otherwise will cause system crash issues.

clear all partitions

Clear partition

❷ format SD card to FAT32 in Windows.

Format SD Card

Format SD Card

3.2 Make SD Upgrade Card

❶ unzip SDDiskTool_v1.69.zip on Windows.

❷ open SDDiskTool_v1.69\SD_Firmware_Tool.exe.

❸ make SD upgrade card as follow.

Make SD Upgrade Card

Make SD Upgrade Card




Select a SD card from the drop-down list


Check Upgrade Firmware


Click Firmware and select update.img


Click Create to start creation.

Creating upgrade disk OK

Creat upgrade disk

3.3 Make SD boot Card

This method does not require flashing the image to eMMC, and the system boots directly from SD. Create bootable SD card is similar to upgrade card, the difference is Choose function mode

Make SD boot Card

Make SD boot Card


The firmware for boot from SD card and eMMC is incompatible. It needs to modify the related configuration of SDK. Please contact Boardcon for more information.