5. Android Application
5.1 Serial Terminal
Connect the board and PC with USB Serial cable, then power on, the terminal will output boot information. The default baudrate is 115200.
su //switch to root mode
5.2 Display
IdeaT527 provides HDMI and 2x dual-LVDS output interfaces. Boardcon firmware supports 2x dual-LVDS display by default.
5.3 USB
IdeaT527 provides 2x USB2.0 connector.
USB0(up) default Host mode.
echo usb_device > /sys/devices/platform/soc@3000000/10.usbc0/otg_role //Device mode
echo usb_host > /sys/devices/platform/soc@3000000/10.usbc0/otg_role //Host mode
USB2(down) cannot be used with PCIe(SSD) simultaneously. Boardcon firmware default USB2 is unavailable.
5.4 Ethernet
Connect the board and router with an Ethernet cable.
User can open WebView Browser Tester or ping URL/IP to test Network.
ping -I eth0 www.armdesigner.com
5.5 4G & GPS
5.5.1 4G
❶ Insert 4G module to mPCIe socket (4G model: EC20).
❷ Connect antenna and insert SIM card.
❸ Power on. The default connection is 4G network.
User can open WebView Browser Tester or ping URL/IP to test 4G Network.
ping -I wwan0 www.armdesigner.com
5.5.2 GPS
❶ Insert 4G module to mPCIe socket.
❷ Connect GPS antenna.
❸ Power on. Click GPS Test to test.
5.6 SD Card
Click FileManager to view the mounted SD card.
5.7 Audiao I/O
5.7.1 Headset
❶ Plug the Microphone into the 3.5mm Audio jack.
❷ Open Sound Recorder.
❸ Click Start to start recording.
❹ After finish recording, click Stop and play to test recorded file.
5.7.2 MIC
❶ Connect a MIC to the connector (2pin/2.0mm pitch).
❷ Open Sound Recorder.
❸ Click Start to start recording.
❹ After finish recording, click Stop and play to test recorded file.
5.7.3 Speaker
The Speaker connector is 2-pin 2.0mm pitch.
The output priority of headpset is higher than that of speakers. When headset is plugged in, the sound will be output through the headset.
5.8 WiFi & Bluetooth
5.8.1 WiFi
Connect the WiFi antenna, then click Settings -> Network & internet -> Internet -> Wi-Fi -> turn on, select the SSID from the list of available networks and enter the password.
After connected, user can open the browser or ping URL/IP at terminal to test Network.
5.8.2 Bluetooth
Click Settings -> Connected devices -> Pair new device
Select the available device in the list to pair.
After pairing, devices can connect with each other automatically.
5.9 IR
Configuring the remote control requires modifying the source code \longan\bsp\drivers\ir-rx\sunxi-ir-keymap.h
. Use the command getevent to obtain the key value, and fill in the corresponding value into sunxi-ir-keymap.h
. After completing all the mapping values, recompile longan and android to generate firmware.
# Boardcon IR configuration
/* Key codes for the x96 remote */
{ 0x118, KEY_POWER },
{ 0x144, KEY_KPDOT },
{ 0x156, KEY_REWIND },
{ 0x15a, KEY_PLAYPAUSE },
{ 0x152, KEY_STOP },
{ 0x143, KEY_SETUP },
{ 0x10f, BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY14 },
{ 0x114, KEY_VOLUMEDOWN },
{ 0x110, KEY_VOLUMEUP },
{ 0x106, KEY_HOME },
{ 0x140, KEY_BACK },
{ 0x146, KEY_UP },
{ 0x147, KEY_LEFT },
{ 0x155, KEY_OK },
{ 0x115, KEY_RIGHT },
{ 0x116, KEY_DOWN },
{ 0x117, KEY_MENU },
{ 0x104, KEY_EPG }, // mouse
{ 0x14e, KEY_NUMERIC_1 },
{ 0x10d, KEY_NUMERIC_2 },
{ 0x10c, KEY_NUMERIC_3 },
{ 0x14a, KEY_NUMERIC_4 },
{ 0x109, KEY_NUMERIC_5 },
{ 0x108, KEY_NUMERIC_6 },
{ 0x148, KEY_NUMERIC_7 },
{ 0x105, KEY_NUMERIC_8 },
{ 0x107, KEY_NUMERIC_9 },
{ 0x141, KEY_MUTE },
{ 0x101, KEY_NUMERIC_0 },
{ 0x142, KEY_BACKSPACE },
5.10 Camera
❶ Connect the cameras to the development board(four cameras for example.).
❷ Click DVR APP.
❸ Select preview channels
❹ Select camera resolution (Incorrect resolution will result in no display).
If use CVBS camera, please select TD104-720x576p
❺ Select preview device.
ls /dev/video* //View device ID
The corresponding device ID is 0, 4, 8, 12.
❻ Click OK
5.11 RS485
❶ Connect PC and board with USB-to-RS485 adapter.
❷ Open the Serial Terminal of board and RS485 adapter respectively. Set the baud rate to 115200.
❸ Execute the following commands on the terminal serial ports of board.
com /dev/ttyAS3 115200 8 0 1
❹ Input character to test RS485 communication.
5.12 CAN
The device name for CAN0 is awlink0, CAN1 is awlink1.
❶ Connect PC and board with USB-to-CAN adapter.
❷ Open the CAN application and set the baudrate to 1000000 on PC.
❸ Execute commands on Serial Terminal to configure and start the CAN network.
ip link set awlink0 down
ip link set awlink0 type can bitrate 1000000
ip link set awlink0 qlen 300
ip link set awlink0 up
❹ Configure CAN as receiver.
candump awlink0 &
❺ set CAN as Transmitter.
cansend awlink0 123#1122334455667788
5.13 M.2 SSD
IdeaT527 SSD on Android 13 only supports the ext4 format.
❶ Connect SSD to the M.2 socket, then power on.
❷ Mount SSD.
mkdir /mnt/ssd1
mount /dev/block/nvme0n1 /mnt/ssd1
ls /mnt/ssd1
If the device is not in ext4 format, user can format it on the board. The formatting will result in permanent loss of all files on the device, please handle with caution.
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/block/nvme0n1 //format SSD to ext4
5.14 RTC
❶ Insert a CR1220 battery before test. It keeps the time running when the main power is off.
❷ Set date and time manually.
date -s "2024-10-31 15:22:30" //set system date
hwclock -w //set the hardware clock to current system time
hwclock //display date and time
❸ Power off. Wait for a moment, power on again, and then execute the command hwclock
, you will find that the time is saved.
If connected to the internet, the time will automatically synchronize with the network time.