3. Compile Source

❶ Unzip source

tar xvf rv1126_rv1109_linux_v2.2_240424.tar.gz
cd linux_v2.2
./build.sh lunch

❷ Select config

Print out as follow. Select 1 : rockchip_defconfig

 You're building on Linux
 Lunch menu...pick a combo:

 1. rockchip_defconfig
 2. rockchip_38x38_emmc_defconfig
 3. rockchip_38x38_spi_nand_ab_defconfig
 4. rockchip_38x38_spi_nand_defconfig
 5. rockchip_ab_v13_defconfig
 6. rockchip_battery_evb_defconfig
 7. rockchip_robot_defconfig
 8. rockchip_sl_defconfig
 9. rockchip_slc_nand_v12_defconfig
 10. rockchip_sllock_defconfig
 11. rockchip_spi_nand_defconfig
 12. rockchip_spi_nor_tb_v13_defconfig
 13. rockchip_spi_nor_v12_defconfig
 14. rockchip_tb_v13_defconfig
 15. rockchip_trailcamera_defconfig
 16. rockchip_v10_v11_defconfig
 17. rockchip_v12_defconfig

 Which would you like? [1]: 1

❸ Compile.


User can also use the single-step to compile.

cd kernel
make ARCH=arm rv1126_defconfig
make ARCH=arm rv1126-evb-ddr3-v13.img -j12

for ❸, user also can compile as follow

./build.sh uboot        // Compile uboot
./build.sh kernel       // Compile kernel
./build.sh recovery     // Compile recovery
./build.sh rootfs       // Compile buildroot
./build.sh firmware     // Generate image
./build.sh updateimg

update.img and other Images are generated in directory rockdev/.