How to flash Firmware in Linux

upgrade_tool is a firmware upgrade tool for Linux. Flash image requires superuser privileges.

❶ Download and execute upgrade_tool first.

❷ Put the firmware files and upgrade_tool in the same directory.

❸ Connect the USB OTG port from the board to your PC, press the recovery button from your board, and connect the power, wait a few seconds and release the button.

❹ Use the commands to flash image.

Basic Commands

 //List devices
upgrade_tool ld

//Download boot
upgrade_tool db rkxxloader.bin

//Flash the partition table
upgrade_tool di -p parameter.txt

//Flash single partition image
upgrade_tool di -k kernel.img

//Falsh multiple partition images
upgrade_tool di -u uboot.img -b boot.img

//Flash the partition image with no defined abbreviation, you need to specify the partition name.
//Take the vendor partition as an example
upgrade_tool di -vendor vendor.img

//When ab partition are used, it also needs to be handled in undefined cases.
//Take boot_a and boot_b as example
upgrade_tool di -boot_a boot.img -boot_b boot.img

//Flash loader and reset
upgrade_tool ul rkxxloader.bin

//Upgrade firmware and reset
upgrade_tool uf update.img

//Erase device
upgrade_tool ef rkxxloader.bin