3. Compile Source

❶ Unzip the source and set the compile board.

tar xvf RK3588_ANDROID12.0_SDK_RELEASE.tar.gz

❷ Compile uboot.

cd u-boot
./make.sh rk3588

❸ Compile the kernel.

cd kernel-5.10
export PATH=../prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r416183b/bin:$PATH
alias msk='make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- LLVM=1 LLVM_IAS=1'
msk ARCH=arm64 rockchip_defconfig android-11.config sdio_wifi.config
msk ARCH=arm64 BOOT_IMG=../rockdev/Image-rk3588_s/boot.img rk3588-evb2-lp4-v10-edp.img -j8

Please flash boot.img under the catalogue of kernel-5.10 directly to boot position of machine after compiling, and load the partition table parameter.txt when flashing, for fear of flashing to the wrong place.

❹ Compile Android.

source build/envsetup.sh
lunch rk3588_s-userdebug
make -j12

❺ Generated image files.

./build.sh -u     //packaged into the update.img
cd rockdev

Images and update.img are generated in current directory.