3. Compile Source

❶ Unzip the source and set the compile board

tar xvf linux.tar.gz
cd linux

❷ Configuration

./build.sh lunch
processing option: lunch
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu...pick a combo:

0. default BoardConfig.mk
1. BoardConfig-ab-base.mk
2. BoardConfig-nvr.mk
3. BoardConfig-rk3588-evb1-lp4-v10.mk
4. BoardConfig-rk3588-evb2-lp4-v10-edp.mk
5. BoardConfig-rk3588-evb2-lp4-v10-hdmi.mk
6. BoardConfig-rk3588-evb3-lp5-v10.mk
7. BoardConfig-rk3588s-evb1-lp4x-v10.mk
8. BoardConfig-security-base.mk
9. BoardConfig.mk

Which would you like? [0]: 4    // support both HDMI and eDP, choose '4'; only HDMI, choose '5'

switching to board:

❸ Compile uboot

./build.sh uboot

❹ Compile kernel

./build.sh kernel

❺ Compile recovery

./build.sh recovery

❻ Compile debian

cd debian
sudo apt-get install binfmt-support qemu-user-static live-build
sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-build-service/packages/\*
sudo apt-get install -f
RELEASE=bullseye TARGET=desktop ARCH=arm64 ./mk-base-debian.sh
VERSION=debug ARCH=arm64 ./mk-rootfs-bullseye.sh

❼ Generated image file

export RK_ROOTFS_SYSTEM=debian
./build.sh updateimg

Images and update.img are generated in rockdev/.